9. Vegetative manifestations of greenhouse tomatoes in the organic production

Author: Stoyan Filipov, Kostadin Kostadinov, Krasimir Mihov, Violeta Valcheva

DOI: n/a


The influence of organic fertilization on the vegetative manifestations of green house tomatoes under the conditions of biological production was examined. The following biometric indicators were reported: fresh mass of the whole plant (g), volume of the root system (cm3); fresh mass of the root system (g); height of the stem (cm); diameter of the stem (mm); fresh mass of the stem (g); number of internodes (number); number of leaves (number); fresh mass of the leaves (g). The best vegetative characteristics for all the reported indicators was demonstrated by the combination of Lumbrikompost Orgamax + HRB + Softguard. In the phase of mass fruiting the excessover the control was by 14.42% for the height the stem, by 23.43% for the stem diameter, by 39.57% for the mass of the stem, by 17.65% for the number of the internodes, by 28.57% for the number of the leaves, by 39.50% for the mass of the leaves, by 150.00% for the volume of the roots and by 83.84% for the mass of the roots. Organically produced greenhouse tomatoes within high farming practices and a proper fertilization scheme form anequalor even greater leaf-stem vegetative mass than the conventionally grown. This is a prerequisite for a higher economic productivity of a higher fruit quality.