16. Influence of combined heavy metal polution of the soil on leaf structure of rapeseed [Brassica napus oleifera biennis]

Author: Radka Ivanova, Zhivko Todorov

DOI: n/a


Object of the present experiment was rapeseed [variety Votan-Germany], that was grown in several containers of differently polluted soil.
The goal of the experiment was the observation and registration of some anomalies in the form of the stornata and osteolum in the epithermal cells of the rapeseed leaves, which have occurred during combined soil pollution by Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb.
In the case of independent pollution by the four heavy metals, deformation of the stomata appears at the lowest concentrations. In cases of combined pollution these changes are observed at the highest concentrations.
Most frequently, the deformations consist of lack of one of the closing cells, incomplete development or improper development of one or both of them or their excessive elongation. Specific and rarer deformations were observed, such as alignment of the chloroplasts in rows or two- or three-lateral conglomeration of the stomata.