18. Macronutrients content in the Virginia varieties grown under identical agroecological conditions

Author: Penka Zaprjanova

DOI: n/a


In a field experiment we studied the macronutrient content in Bulgarian (В0454, В0594, В0514) and imported Virginia varieties (МcNair944, K326, PVH19, С254) grown under identical agroecological conditions. The soil included in the experiment was of the type alluvial meadow soils with a loamy sand mechanical composition, alkaline soil reaction and very low humus content.
We determined the general and the mobile forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the soil as well as the concentration of the elements in the leaves belonging to the middle layer of gathering during the technical maturity stage.
We found substantial differences in the macronutrient content in the tested varieties of Virginia grown under identical agroecological conditions.