14. Innovative agricultural methods for income reduction

Author: Nina Mihova

DOI: 10.22620/sciworks.2020.01.014


The main resource of agriculture is the soil. In any case, its quantity is constant and farmers are forced to look for different ways to maximize its utilization. In large-scale agriculture, it is not enough to rely on natural soil fertility, and also, the improvement methods used must be with the lowest possible financial investment, so as not to make the final product more expensive.

At this point there are different methods, leading to this effect. Therefore, this report will look at innovative methods used by farmers in practice, as well as some still at the level of laboratory studies.

The aim of the study is to show the development of agriculture in the direction of increasing revenue while protecting the environment and the soil in particular.
It is important to clarify that in whatever direction to work to increase productivity in the sector, one of the first places should be the maximum preservation of both the elements of inanimate nature and those of living nature. Ecosystems must be preserved to the greatest extent possible so as not to disturb the balance necessary for the normal existence of the Earth.