22. Endangered local forms and cultivars of plums threatened by extinction

Author: Nikolina Marinova, Darina Ivanova, Stela Dimkova

DOI: n/a


There exists a rich gene pool of local cultivars and forms of fruit trees on the territory of Bulgaria. The object of the present study were the local forms and cultivars of plums (Prunnus domestica L.), found during an expeditionary study in the region of the town of Elena during 2010/2014. Those were: Karadzheika, Garlestitsa, Drebnyovka, Manyovka, B-18 (plum from the village of Buiinovtsi). The trees of those cultivars and forms are preserved in private yards and gardens, without application of the necessary agrotechnical events, due to their increased resistance to economically important diseases, such as: sharka (Plum pox virus), early (Monilialaxa) and late brown rot (Monilia fructigena), red leaf spot (Рolystigma rubrum) and rust (Tranzshelia pruni spinosae).
During the study phenological observationswere conducted; biological and pomological research was done; the susceptibility to the economically important diseasesin plums was determined.
Five local cultivars and forms of plums were studied which could be included in organic production and also as donors for resistance to diseases in the selection of plums.