33. Reporting and tax treatment of depreciation of the machinery park in agricultural enterprises

Author: Vanya Georgieva

DOI: n/a


The agricultural enterprise should develop and implement its depreciation policy for depreciable assets, including the ones that form the machine- tractor fleet . The depreciation policy is an integral part of the accounting policy. It is a system of input assumptions, specific methods, rules and practices adopted by the enterprise and applied in its business while systematically distributing the depreciable sum of the depreciable assets during the lifetime of those, which are aimed and utilized for the purpose of making the widest and efficient use of those assets. A successful depreciation policy is an important factor for the sustainable functioning of an enterprise. The depreciation method as an element of that policy should be very carefully chosen, the consequences of that choice should be analyzed, such as the depreciation expenses. The depreciation policy incorporates also adopting approaches to: classification of the assets into long-term assets and non-material (intangible) assets, into depreciable and non-depreciable, determining the lifetime of the assets, determining the residual value, etc. The depreciation expenses of the enterprises which have purchased new farming machinery hold a considerable relative share in the total costs amount. The organisations may manage those costs depending on their goals. Tax depreciation policy equips the government with a tool for promoting farmer‘s structures‘ machines-and-tractors fleet renewal, considering the fact that as a whole the fleet of the Bulgarian farmers is morally and physically out-of-date. That can be achieved through recognizing all the depreciation methods as applicable for tax purposes.