31. Impact of regulated water deficit on sunflower yield components. I. Canceling of irrigation at growth stages

Author: Alexander Матеv, Radost Petrova

DOI: 10.22620/SCIWORKS.2016.56.031


The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of irrigation canceling at different growth stages on the components of sunflower yield – 1000 seed weight, test weight and head diameter. The experiment was carried out during the 2006 – 2010 period in the experimental field of the Agricultural University – Plovdiv, with the PR64E83 hybrid. Variants of the experiment: 1) without irrigation; 2) optimum irrigation at 75% of FC; 3) without first irrigation; 4) without second irrigation; 5) without third irrigation. The optimum irrigation regime increased the value of the 1000 seed weight, test weight and head diameter. There were no significant differences in the variants with irrigation canceling.