2. Genetic and phenotypic value of parental components in some maize inbreeds (Zea mays L.)

Author: Sali Aliu, Shukri Fetahu, Skender Kaҫiu, Imer Rusinovci, Salih Salihu

DOI: n/a


The main objective in this study was investigations of some maize inbred lines with medium maturity originating from Agricultural University of Tirana. The maize inbred lines were investigations for suitability in agroecological conditions of Kosovo. Each maize inbred line had three replicates in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The seeds were sowing 3-5 cm deep, while the plot sizes were 14 m2 per each replications x 3 Replications (R) =42 m2. The combination formula in this study was; 10 inbred lines x 3 Replications x 1 Locality x 2 years x 5 parameters = 300 combination. The statistical differences between maize inbred lines were analyzed by Duncan’s test. We measured at field for each plot and laboratory the average of ten (10) plants were randomly harvested from one of the four middle rows or 10 plants x 3R= 30 plants x 10 inbred lines =300 plants only for one parameters, or in generally; 5 parameters x 300 plants = 1500 plants. The maize inbred Line 136 for different parameters was characterized with maximum average value; for ear height (EH) on value 56.6 cm and Cob Length (CL) 16.96cm. The line 236 was determined by lower EH on average value 41 cm, but for others parameters was realised higher value; kernel depth (KD) (1.05cm), and grain yield per ear (GYE) 61.78 g. While inbred line A3 Lot for CL is characterized by low average value (12.26 cm). The data from our investigations for different genetic parameters show that the some inbred lines were characterized significantly higher at p=0.01.