1.2. Study on economic qualities of perpective accessions cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) from the collection of IPGR-Sadovo

Author: Stefan Neykov, Nikolaya Velcheva, Petar Chavdarov

DOI: n/a


The study was conducted in IRGR – Sadovo during the period 2006-2008. 206 introduced cucumber accessions, mainly from the USA gene bank, with Asian origin, previously studied as promising, were used. Accessions from Turkey and Iran are with a high of resistance to powdery mildew. 11 cultivars, mainly from Taiwan and The Netherlands are with a lower degree of attack by mildew. 9 accessions from Turkey, Russia, The Netherlands and USA have a greater resistance to bacteriosis. It was found that most accessions from Asia have a longer pick over the controls, which depends on their resistance to such diseases.