8. Agriculture and opportunities for its sustainability

Author: Radka Ivanova, Radmil Nikolov


Agriculture plays a leading role in providing a large part of the necessary food products. The preservation of soil fertility as well as the sustainable management of agricultural areas play an important role in the production of food products, due to the fact that land is an indispensable factor for their production. In this regard, the transformation of agricultural systems into sustainable ones is of particular importance. This is directly related to the impact of intensive agriculture on the environment and natural ecosystems. In Bulgaria, part of the arable land is not used and efforts should be directed towards dealing with this problem. The mobilization of all areas with agricultural purpose can reduce the pressure of intensification and make agricultural production gentle and sustainable. The focus of the present material is on the features of sustainable agriculture and the presence of its elements in the main types of agricultural systems.

Key words: agriculture, sustainable, Bulgaria