23. Relationship between the acquisition of an official status and the urban development of the resorts

Author: Pelo Mihaylov, Tania Yoncheva

DOI: n/a


The purpose of this article is to reveal the relationships between the acquisition of an official status of Bulgarian resorts and their urban development. They are grouped into three categories. Of a Preliminary action nature (18) are as follows: 1. interrelationships in the movement from a populated area to the village (3); 2. moving from a village to a city or to a district town (12); 3. declaring a settlement formation of national importance (3). Relationships of a Follow-up (42) nature are: 4. movement from a populated area to a village (6); 5. moving from a village to a city (22); 6а. moving from a village to a district town (4); 6b. movement from a district town to a village (1); 7. movement from the country to a settlement formation of national importance (5); 8. movement from the country to a settlement formation of local importance (4). The category of Current status (115) involves objects without a change in their settlement development: 9. there are remaining areas (33); 10. there are remaining villages (42); 11. there are remaining cities and neighbourhoods in the cities (40). The only group in the category Future Development is: movement from a village to a city (15), including villages of over 1,000 population that can be declared towns. The main conclusion is that the acquisition of an official status of the resorts positively influences their urban development, since 44,4% of them have registered upward changes in their urban development.