Author: Yanko Dimitrov, Maya Dimtrova, Nedyalka Palagacheva
Author: Никола Цайкин
8. Phitopatologycal characterization of sunflower lines for resistance to the cause agents of grey (Phomopsis helianthi) black (Phoma macdonaldi) spots and broun spots (Alternaria sp.)
Author: Valentina Encheva, Julia Encheva
9. Effect of planting date on density dynamics and damage rate of Oscinella frit (l.) and Oscinella pusilla (Meigen) (Diptera: Chloropidae) in winter wheat
Author: Hristina Krusteva
10. Study of composition of the soil solution after amelioration of heavy metal contaminated acid soil in model experiment
Author: Maya Benkova, Lyuba Dimova, Tsetska Simeonova
11. The influence of Collembolans on conidia formation and spread of Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl. of cucumber and of tomato plants
Author: Lilyana Koleva, Georgi Dimitrov, Gospodin Kolev
12. Parasitoids of the pear sucker Cacopsylla pyri L. (Psyllidae) in Bulgaria – morphology and biology
Author: Mazen Bufaur, Vili Harizanova, Atanaska Stoeva
13. Influence of different organic fertilizers on soil dwelling predatory mites of the family Laelapidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)
Author: Atanaska Stoeva, Vili Harizanova, Maria Papadaki, Vinelina Yankova
14. Duration of development of F. occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and population growth on different vegetable host plants
Author: Maria Papadaki, Vili Harizanova, Atanaska Stoeva
15. Biology and phenology of Agapanthia osmanlis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a potential candidate for biological control of Dipsacus spp.
Author: Vili Harizanova, Atanaska Stoeva, Brian Rector
16. Effectiveness of Agri 50 NF and Agricolle bioproducts against diseases and pests in greenhouse cucumbers
Author: Vinelina Yankova, Stoyka Masheva