Author: Анна Тихомирова
Author: Никола Цайкин
58. Game-based virtual education – modern approach for connection between the university education and the practice in the agricultural business sphere
Author: Vesselka Kostova
59. The effect of recycled residual paper pulp application on the yield of three plant species under variable soil and climate conditions
Author: Arjybek Madraimov, Borkica Stojmenova, Themistocles Pavlis, Damianos Damianidis, Athanasios Gertsis
60. Inventory of the collection of Fagaceae family in the herbarium of Agricultural University – Plovdiv (SOA)
Author: Zhivko Petkov, Kiril Stoyanov
61. Collecting, characterization and maintains of accessions from genus Allium
Author: Todor Babrikov, Nikolay Neykov, Nikolaya Velcheva, Petar Chavdarov, Katya Uzundzalieva, Stefan Neykov
62. Influence of biofertilizers on quality indicators of pepper production
Author: Veselka Vlahova, Hriska Boteva, Tencho Cholakov
63. Проучване възможността за преразмножаване на интродуцирания малинов сорт Willamette
Author: Божана Миховска
64. The effect of organic amendments on uptake of heavy metals in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Author: Violina Angelova, Radka Ivanova, Krasimir Ivanov
65. Investigation of the new varieties onion A. Fistulosum under drip irrigation for the conditions of Southern Bulgaria
Author: Antoniya Ovcharova, Todor Babrikov
66. Еconomic profitability of construction of an ULO cold strage plant for apple fruit storing
Author: Branka Kalanović Bulatović, Bojan Dimitrijević