Author: Volodimir Bulgakov, Igor V. Gholovach, Dfmitar Irinchev
Author: Никола Цайкин
9. The efficiency of Kosmik herbicide for weed control in vineyards
Author: Violeta Valcheva, Velichko Spassov
10. The influence of Dominator 360 CL herbicide on the production and the grape quality at the Pamid variety
Author: Velichko Spassov, Violeta Valcheva
11. Dynamics and development of various groups of microorganisms in soils from “Kalimok-Brushlen“ protected site
Author: Yordanka Kartalska, Svetoslav Malchev
12. The meaning of physiqal and chemical parameters of biofuels for diesel engine
Author: Boris Jankov, Volodimir Bulgakov, Dimitar Irinchev
13. Phytophthora root and crown rot — potential tread about fruit trees in Bulgaria
Author: Mariana Nakova
14. Enhancement of seed germination and seedling growth in Magnolia grandiflora L. using pre-sowing treatment with growth regulators (IAA and GA3)
Author: Omer Ibrahim, Valeria Ivanova, Petya Gercheva, Lilyana Nacheva
15. Difficulties in the Czech education and new approaches to their solving
Author: Pavel Krpalek
16. Results of research organised within the pro-school project
Author: Emil Kříž
17. Withering of young sweet cherry trees
Author: Milena Dimova