Author: Stancho Petrov
Author: Никола Цайкин
13. Telеasinae subfamily (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Scelionidae), from the Balkan peninsula and Turkey. II. Tribus Teleasini (Teleas, Proteleas, Ceratoteleas), Tribus Xenomerini (Xenomerus)
Author: Stancho Petrov
14. Direct marketing – a local strategy for development of the small-scale organic farms in Bulgaria
Author: Yuliya Dzhabarova
15. Elaboration of marketing plan for launching new suppliments on the Bulgarian market
Author: Yulia Dzhabarova, Velina Petrova
16. Influence of oxyfluorfen on weed control and growth of fruit-bearing of apple trees
Author: Nina Gerasimova
17. Application of pheromone traps and dispensers in the biological production of grapes in the region of Naiden Gerovo, municipality of Plovdiv
Author: Boyan Stalev, Daniela Atanasova, Lyudmil Angelov
18. Species complex and population dynamics of weevils of the genus sitona on the multifoliolate alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in the region of Pazardzhik
Author: Daniela Atanasova
19. Commemorative oykonims in Central South Bulgaria in memory of Bulgarian khans, princes, tsars and members of their families
Author: Pelo Mihailov
20. Little-known commemorative oikonyms with russian eponyms in Central South Bulgaria
Author: Pelo Mihailov
21. Localization of villages in Nahiya Gyopsa of Dzhelepkeshanski register of 1576
Author: Pelo Mihailov