1.17. Heterosis display in hybrid lines of Virginia tobacco, related to some basic biometric indexes

Author: Marina Drumeva-Yoncheva, Dimitar Dimanov, Penka Zaprianova

DOI: n/a


The study was carried out in 2006-2007 at the field of the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute – Markovo. Four introduced varieties of Virginia tobacco and their two F1 hybrids were investigated for the following characters: plant height, length and width of middle leaf. The aim of investtigation was to study the heterosis effect for the above mentioned characters in progeny of F1 generation and to estimate the inheritance of the major biometric indexes, determining the yield. Overdominant inheritance was established of the features height of the plant and the width and the length of the 14 leaf in K326xЛ825. The highest heterosis effect compared to the better parent was established regarding the length and width of 14 leaf in both hybrids.