DOI: n/a
The study was conducted in the 2005-2008 period in the region of IMSA Troyan.
This work presents preliminary results of a study with the plum cultivars Stanley, Hanita, Jojo and Cacanska Lepotica engrafted on the rootstocks Brampton, GF 655-2, SJ A, Wavit, Wangenheim, and P. cerasifera included in a cultivar-rootstook trial under a dense planting design – 147 trees per da.
Parameters of initial fruiting of the cultivar-rootstock combinations were determined. The highest yields per tree were obtained from cultivar Jojo grafted on the rootstocks GF 655-2, Wavit and P. cerasifera, which attained the earliest and high yields and the rootstocks Wavit and GF 655-2 were distinguished as very suitable to reduce the plum tree size and inducing early beginning of fruiting, which makes them promising for intensive fruit production in mountain conditions.