14. Biological behaviour of different varieties of tomatoes grown in glasshouses. I. Phenological and morphological characteristics.

Author: Stoyan Filipov, Kostadin Kostadinov, Krasimir Mihov

DOI: n/a


The experiment have been carried out in steel-glasshouse at the educational and experimental field of HORTICULTURING Department at Agricultural University – Plovdiv during the period 2005-2006.
Seven varieties of tomatoes with Dutch origin have been studied: Mondial – control; Bura; Diadora; Arbason; Badro; E-26-31623 and Amaral. The sowing have been made in the end of November and the plant have been made in the beginning of February.The experiments have been foreseen according to the accepted scheme with 3120 plans at decare with four replicates. The vegetative tops have been removed at the end of April (after setting and forming five racemes).The following characteristics have been traced: numbers and size of the leaves and leaf area; clusters count; number of blossoms in a cluster; percentage of put forth aments of I-st, Il-nd and III-rd clusters; height of the plant when setting the first cluster; number of internodes and inter clusters.
Strong growth have the sorts Diadora. Arbason, Badro and Mondial. These varieties form big leaves and big leaf area, while the differences are better expressed during the second half of the vegetation.The increase compared to the control sort Mondial is 17% till 64%.Earliest formed the clusters, starts the growth and the fruit formation of the sorts Amaral, Badro and Arbason. These sorts have also the lowest percentage of put forth aments.