18. Role of vegetative biofilters for water protection from the polution

Author: Ekaterina Valcheva

DOI: n/a


Agriculture is a major sources pollution of surface waters. Proper use of fertilizers is necessary to maintain their effectiveness, but also to prevent the pollution of natural resources. Runoff of nitrogen from treated agriculture areas to surface waters can threat not only human health but also the quality of water and the biodiversity therein. Where other measures can help reduce pollution, use of vegetative biofilters must also be taken into account. Their primary objective is to „filter“, to capture apd retain nutrients, sediment, pesticides and water, which could be exported from agricultural areas and be transported in surface water systems.
This study reveals the effect of a grass-mixture /Dactylis glomerata, Lotus corniculatus, Onobrychis viciifoia/ and a slngle-grass plot of Dactylis glomerata species in order to assess their potential to reduce the amount of fertilizer NH4NO3 /nitrogen forms/ in surface runoff. it was found that grass mixtures shows higher sorption effect.