19. Using the AHP method and GIS for multi-criteria assessment of plan development

Author: Vera Stefanova, Zhulieta Arnaudova

DOI: n/a


Land suitability evaluation is a way of systematically collecting and analyzing different kind of information. It contains interdisciplinary information that involves integration of criteria from different branches of science. This is a report on a multi-criteria land suitability evaluation in which a variety of dimensions are incorporated into the GIS technical tool. The organization of the database is presented by means of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). By making pair-wise comparisons at each level of the hierarchy, characteristics can develop relative weights to differentiate the importance of the criteria. Final thematic maps of each of the studied parameters present the level of land suitability.
The core of the process is to create an assessment map by summing upthe important indicators for sustainable cultivationplans. Land evaluation is the process of predicting the land potential use on the basis of its attributes. In the end the results with reports and maps have to be dynamic, considering the continuous refinement of the whole land evaluation process. All the information can be useful for predictions, planning and getting an increasingly profitable yield. The results are intended to be used for land resource-related decision making for strategic land use planning by the direct land users, that is, the farmers.