2.12. Monitoring of iconomicaly important cherry diseases in organic orchard and development of alternative control system. II. Monitoring and field trials for control of brown rot (Monilinia laxa /Aderh. & Ruhl./Honey).

Author: Kostas Baltas, Stoycho Karov

DOI: n/a


A monitoring of cherry diseases has been done in the organic orchard of Agricultural University-Plovdiv during 2004-2006. The fungicide program included: winter spry with Bordeaux mixture 2% and 2-3 applications of colloidal sulfur, prepared by lime sulfur and ferry sulfate (Krastev et al., 1964).
The results obtained sowed that the brown rot (Monilinia laxa /Aderh. & Ruhl./Honey) was the main disease problem in the organic cherry orchard. The syndrome blossom blight has not been developed during those three years, but fruit rot was 19-20% on the tested varieties – Stella, Bing, Van and Lambert. A very big part of infected fruits (mummies) remained in the crown until next season and were main source of new fruit infections. That has been expressed obviously on Stella variety.