16. Study of live weight of Karakachan lambs at the weaning in 90 days of age

Author: Alexandra Buyuklieva, Atanas Vuchkov

DOI: 10.22620/sciworks.2020.01.016


The local Bulgarian sheep breeds are with a marked combined production – for meat, milk and wool. Growth abilities at an early age are importance trait for the production of meat from them. The Karakachan sheep is a relatively ancient, small mountain breed, but lambs in the young age has compared good growth intense. The average daily gain befor a weaning at 90 days of age was 219 g. This local breed has a good opportunity to produce light lamb carcasses from lambs slaughtered at the weaning, without a period of intense fattening. For a 90-days suckling period, male Karakachan lambs form 22, 492 kg live weight. Studies shows that a subsequent period of intense fattening of the lambs of this breed is economically ineffective.

The average daily gain after weaning decreases (Alexieva, 1979; Kafedzhiev et al.; 1992, Stankov, 1999) The cost of feed per unit of growth is increasing, and depositing a significant amount of fat (Nedelchev et al 1994; Boykovski et al., 2005). The growth of lambs during the suckling period can be considered as a specific meat production with a high taste and dietary qualities and with relatively low cost (Vuchkov, 2009; Vuchkov & Dimov, 2006). The results of this study for the formation of live weight at weaning of 90 days age, show that the Karakachan sheep have a high potential to produce so-called „milk lambs“ and „light lambs carcasses“ by SEUROP classification system of slaughtered carcasses.