25. Triticale productivity under the effect of the liquid fertilizer Amalgerol Premium

Author: Tanko Kolev

DOI: n/a


During the period 2008-2011 a field experiment was carried out in the Research, Experimental and Implementation base of the Department of Plant Growing of the Agricultural University in Plovdiv, which studied the effect of the liquid fertilizer Amalgerol Premium at a dose of 3000 ml/ha on the productivity of the Vihren triticale variety. The treatment was done during the phases of tillering (autumn), tillering (spring), spindling and flowering. The experiment was carried out after sunflower as a predecessor, applying the block method with 4 replications, the size of the experimental field being 15 m2.
The results of the experiment established that:
– the tested liquid fertilizer Amalgerol Premium influenced positively the productivity of the Vihren triticale variety;
– the highest yield increase was achieved when the triticale was treated during the phase of tillering (spring) with Amalgerol Premium, the increase of the harvested yield, averagely for the experimental period, was 463 kg/ha (by 11.2 %) compared with the untreated crop field;
– the Amalgerol Premium liquid fertilizer contributed to the increase of the values of the yield structural elements as follows: number of spikelets, number of grains and weight of the grains of one plant.