27. The entomophages of the family Scelionidae (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) in the apple plantations of the Agricultural University – Plovdiv. II. Tribus Teleasini (subfamily Teleasinae).

Author: Stancho Petrov

DOI: n/a


In the research made in 2007, there were 4 species estabiished of the Genus Teleas, and 7 species of the Genus Trimorus. Trimorus arenicola (Tn) was new to the fauna in Bulgaria. The following 4 species of Teleas: T. sibiricus Kieff., T. quinquespinosus Sb., T. rugosus Kieff., and T. lamellatus Sb., and 5 species of Trimorus: T. medon Walk., T. producta (Th.), T. puncticollis (Th.), T. pallidimanus (Kieff.), and T. algicola (Kieff.) were new to the fruit plantations in Buigaria. The species of Trimorus therycides (Walk) was new to the appie plantations in the region of Plovdiv.