3.11. Influence of UV – irradiation on the appearance of apoptosis – binded marks of ram’s spermatozoa

Author: A. Kukov, D. Daskalova, E. Solenkova, M. Ivanova – Kicheva, I. Nikolov, M. Sabev, Hr. Hristev

DOI: n/a


In-vitro investigations on the influence of UV-rays on the marks of apoptosis-manifestation on ram’s spermatozoa have been conducted. The apoptosis changes increase on 18.92±4.08 compare to 2.3±0.89 for the non rayed gametes. The DNA – fraginentation increase up to 5% For the spermatozoa and over 50% for the somatic cells. The authors suggest, that the UV-rays provoke molecule remoulding in the DNA-structure and the other cell- organelles, leaded to negative changes of the gamete’s functions.