34. After the transport of cattle on the quality of meat

Author: Aco Kuzelov

DOI: n/a


The subjects of this paper are the influence of beef transportation time on the quality of beef meat and appearance of the DFD meat. Total of 20 beef from two farms on different distances were tested. The beef from the farm A were 20 km from the butchery, and the beef from the farm B 70 km. The average body mass of beef 520 kg. The influence of the beef transportation time and rest time on the quality of meat was examined by determination of pH- value of meat 45 minutes and 24 hours after slaughter. In beef from farm, a occurrence of DFD was 10% and from far.m B 28%. On the bas of the obtained results, appearance of DFD meat was established, which indicates that transportation time had influence to this occurrence.