36. Yield of gross energy and amino acids from rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) pomace and meal grown under the agricultural and ecological conditions of the Plovdiv region

Author: Radka Ivanova, Zhivko Todorov, Dimo Penkov

DOI: 10.22620/SCIWORKS.2016.56.036


An investigation on establishing the composition and the nutritive value of pomace and meal obtained from the seeds of the Votan double zero variety of rapeseed, grown under the conditions of the Plovdiv region has been conducted. The following conclusions have been submitted: After processing the seeds, the average yield of pomace (1900 kg) from 1 ha of land is higher and that of meal (1750 kg) – lower. The content of crude protein is higher in the meal (43,52 versus 35,30%), while the content of crude fats – in the pomace (6,52 versus 2,16%). The gross energy yield from 1 ha is higher for the pomace. The meal is much richer in all essential amino acids. The content of glucosinolates in both products is lower than 20 μmol/g.