39. Prediction of main traits of semen characteristic of Benkovska white and Landaise geese

Author: Vasko Gerzslov, Matina Nickolova

DOI: n/a


A study was carried out with 10 Benkovska white and 10 Landaise genders for early prediction of the semen volume, sperm motility and sperm concentration by the repeatability coefficient (rw). With a high repeatability coefficient (P<0.001) after the first 3 ejaculates vs. total ejaculates were semen volumes – rw=0.844 and rw=0.819, and sperm concentration rw=0.741 and rw=0.833 for the Benkovska white and the Landaise ganders respectively. The sperm motility was with a high repeatability coefficient (P<0.00l) after the first 4 ejaculates vs total ejaculates rw=0.786 for the Benkovska white and after the first 5 ejaculates vs total ejaculates rw=0.719 for the Landaise genders.