4. Role of the hotel superstructure for the develeopment of alternative forms of tourism

Author: Tanya Dabeva, Georgina Lukanova

DOI: n/a


The aim of the following paper is to emphasize the role of the alternative hotel superstructure for the development of alternative forms of tourism. For this purpose several theories of Bulgarian and foreign researchers are analyzed. Firstly, the paper focuses on the presentation of the most essential characteristics of the hotel superstructure. Secondly, the characteristics of alternative hotel superstructure are discussed. The meaning of the term in the research literature is summarized, and a classification of alternative forms of accommodation after Messerli & Sterling is included. Some others usages of alternative accommodation like time share, non-traditional forms of hospitality, couchsurfing are also mentioned. On the basis of these analyses, the authors present their own definitions and classification of alternative hospitality and its alternative hotel superstructure. Lastly, the role of the alternative hotel superstructure for the development of alternative forms of tourism is summarized in six points.