41. Comparative testing of mid-early maize hybrids, cultivated for grain under non-irrigation in Central North Bulgaria

Author: Iliyan Zhelyazkov

DOI: 10.22620/SCIWORKS.2016.56.041


The experimental work was performed in the Central North Bulgaria region – the town of Pavlikeni in the period 2009-2011. The following hybrids were tested; Evelina, Kolomba, PR36R10, PR37D25 and PR37H24. The aim of the study was to establish the elements of productivity and the yield of mid-early maize hybrids, cultivated for grain under non-irrigation in Central North Bulgaria. The analysis of the results showed that the highest yield was obtained from PR37D25 – 6619 kg/ha, followed by Evelina – 6340 kg/ha and the lowest one – from the PR37H24 hybrid – 5661 kg/ha. Out of all the investigated mid-early hybrids of maize, growing of PR37D25 is recommended for being most suitable under non-irrigation in Central North Bulgaria.