49. Сравнителна икономическа оценка на нови сортове домати

Author: Костадин Костадинов, Петър Борисов, Красимир Михов, Стоян Филипов

DOI: n/a


The experiment was carried out during the period 2005-2006. The tests took place in a glasshouse at the educational and experimental field of the Horticulture Department at Agricultural University – Plovdiv.
Seven introduced varieties of tomatoes with Dutch origin have been studied: Mondlal – control; Buran; Diadora; Arbason; Badro; Thalassa and Amaral. Highly economic productivity was measured for the following sorts: Arbason, Amaral, Buran with yields measured by the end of May respectively — 8666kg, 7225kg and 7169kg/dka.