55. Biological behaviour of garden peas (Pisum sativum L.) varieties

Author: Dimitar Cholakov, Syika Angelova

DOI: n/a


During the period 2005-2007 in the experimental field of department of Horticulture the biological behaviour of the varieties Vjatovo and Mira (Bulgarian) Skinado (Duch), Wolf and Undine (German), Pontus and Ramir (French) were tested.
It was established that the biological and economic yield of fruits and green seeds were the highest by variety Pontus. The same was in possession of optimal distribution of the biological yield between the vegetative and productive part of the plants. The content of the main chemical components fit the requirements of the canning industry in the highest degree. On this basis variety Pontus was recommend for inclusion in the group of the middle – early varieties for production of green peas.