6. Effect of photodiode irradiation of pepper seeds on the photosynthetic productivity of plants and quality of fruits

Author: Dimitar Cholakov

DOI: n/a


Seeds of pepper cv. Zlaten medal 7 and cv. Kurtovska kapia, were irradiated with photodiode kwazi-monochromatic light at wafe lenght 682nm and density of optical power 80 mW/cm2 by variants of exposition 1 min; 3 min and 5 min. It was established that the plants from radiated seeds have a higher biological yield and coefficient of effectiveness of the biomass. The irradiation don’t worsen the biological value of the fruits. The nitrate content decreases with 20.0-30.5% for cv. Zlaten medal 7, and 12.1-34.3% for cv. Kurtovska kapia 1619.