16. Challenges and perspectives facing sports tourism in the municipality of Burgas

Author: Zlatina Karadzhova

DOI: n/a


In the present economic environment, the competitiveness of tourist destinations corresponds with the variety of additional services that accompany the supply of the main tourist product. In this context we highlighted the role of sports tourism as part of a complex animated tourist product. Sports and tourism interact, they bring more emotion and positive experience for tourists and athletes and for those who provide the service – a positive economic result.
The object of this study is sports tourism in the municipality of Burgas.
The study focused on the challenges and prospects of its development.
The aim is to justify the role of sports tourism as a factor providing competitive advantages of the municipality and leading to improving the welfare of the local community. To realize the set objective the following tasks were solved: the terms sports, tourism, sports tourism, animation, sports animation were defined; a SWOT analysis of sports tourism in Burgas was made and conclusions were drawn as well as recommendations made for the future development of the sports in the above mentioned municipality.