Author: Irena Ivanova, Zarya Rankova
Author: Никола Цайкин
2.3. Herbicide efficiency of Izoxaflutol (Merlin 750 WG) in young cherry orchards
Author: Zarya Rankova
2.4. Influence of water extracts from Tagetes and Calendula officinalis against Meloidogyne arenaria
Author: Mazen Al Body, Antonia Mateeva
2.5. Virological investigations on peach (Prunus persica Batsch.) in the destrict of Sliven
Author: Snezhana Milusheva, Maria Andonova
2.6. Influence the date to sowing of forage barley on the specific composition and the numeral dynamic of the aphids
Author: Vasilina Maneva
2.7. Comparative analysis of the pathogenicy variation of different Fusarium species caused head blight on winter wheat
Author: Gospodin Kolev
2.8. Influence of herbicides on the weeds and yield in maize Kn. 611
Author: Sonya Hristova
2.9. A study on the dynamics of chlorpyriphos-methyl decomposition in some fruits
Author: Dimitar Karageorgiev, Anastasia Neicheva
2.10. Investigations on Anthocoris nemoralis F. (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) – the most important predator on the pear psyllid
Author: Mazen Bufour, Villy Harizanova
2.11. Monitoring of iconomicaly important cherry diseases in organic orchard and development of alternative control system. I. In vitro test of fungicides for control of Monilia laxa Sacc. & Vogl.
Author: Kostas Baltas, Stoycho Karov