Author: Hristofor Kirchev, Dimo Penkov
Author: Никола Цайкин
16. Influence of combined heavy metal polution of the soil on leaf structure of rapeseed [Brassica napus oleifera biennis]
Author: Radka Ivanova, Zhivko Todorov
17. Deformation of the stomata’s apparatus in cases of independent soil pollution by heavy metals of the rapeseed leaves
Author: Zhivko Todorov, Radka Ivanova
18. Yield potential and botanical composition in different cutting period of natural meadow vegetation in Demirhanli village in Edirne province
Author: Cengiz Kurt, Arif Semerci, Canan Tuna
19. Effect of sowing rate and nitrogen fertilization on the productivity of Triticale variety Sarnitsa
Author: Tanko Kolev
20. Soil characteristic of experimental field of Crop Production Department as a result of the cultivation of grain, technical and forage crops
Author: Rada Popova, Atanas Sevov
21. Стабилност на добива при синтетични популации царевица
Author: Дочка Димова, Наталия Петровска
22. Correlation and regression relations between grain yield, yields element and some biometics parameters of synthetic maize populations
Author: Natalyia Petrovska, Valentina Valkova
23. Correlation and regression relations between grain yield, the yields element and some biometrics parameters of late maize hybrids Kn 625 and Kn M 625
Author: Valentina Valkova, Natalyia Petrovska
24. Cultivar differences in cadmium accumulation in organs of durum wheat
Author: Lyubka Koleva, Andon Vassilev, Donka Staneva, Tsvetanka Bineva, Ivanka Yordanova