Author: Venelin Roytchev, Filka Grigorova, Pavel Botianski
Author: Никола Цайкин
46. Influence of growth regulators (IAA and GA3) and chilling treatment on propagation of Ginkgo biloba by seeds
Author: Omer Ibrahim, Valeria Ivanova, Petya Gercheva
47. An investigation on using of growth regulators in propagation of Taxus baccata by cuttings
Author: Valeria Ivanova, Omer Ibrahim
48. Impact of climate and irrigation regime on the quantity and quality of yield from grapes
Author: Lyudmil Angelov, Yordanka Kirkova, Georgi Stoimenov
49. Effect of agrotechnical factors upon chemical composition of fennel bulbs and leaves Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. azoricum (Mill.) Thell.
Author: Marzena Błaźewicz-Woźniak
50. Influence of foliar spray on the growth of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Author: Kostadin Kostadinov, Stoyan Filipov
51. Viability and vigour of pepper seeds during their ageing
Author: Nikolay Panayotov
52. Assessment of tomato mutant forms and their initial lines by cluster and factor analysis
Author: I. Ivanova, S. Grozeva, V. Rodeva
53. The effect of some agrotechnical factors on quantity and quality of garlic grow for a bunch harvest
Author: Ewa Rekowska, Barbara Jurga-Szlempo
54. The influence of biostimulator Biochicol 020 PC on quantity and quality of yield of grapevine cultivar ‘Danmarpa Polonia’
Author: Piotr Chelpiński, Grzegorz Mikiciuk, Joanna Popiel, Karolina Sawicka, Ireneusz Ochmian