Author: Elena Yordanova
Author: Никола Цайкин
11. Product diversification in Bulgarian agricultural cooperatives
Author: Angel Sarov
12. Opportunities for the cooperation of Bulgarian apiculture producers
Author: Georgi Aleksiev
13. Oppurtunities for development of family farming in South Central Region
Author: Krum Hristov, Rositsa Beluhova-Uzunova
14. Prospects and challenges for the development of renewable energy
Author: Svetoslav Lavchiev
1. Wine tourism theory and practices in the initiatives of the UNWTO
Author: Stoyan Marinov
2. Cultural identity and sustainable cultural tourism in the context of local and global
Author: Tanya Parusheva
3. Sustainable development of wine tourism: state and prospects
Author: Bratoy Koprinarov
4. Cultural and wine tourism – opportunity for development of sustainable tourism in the Shumen Region
Author: Veselin Petkov, Milen Penerliev
5. Wine tourism in the area of the Varna Black Sea coast: opportunities for sustainable development
Author: Georgina Lukanova