Author: Kiril Stoyanov, Iliya Denev
Author: Никола Цайкин
18. Role of vegetative biofilters for water protection from the polution
Author: Ekaterina Valcheva
19. Physiological status and productivity of wheat plants at different density of major weeds and after herbicide treatment
Author: Anyo Mitkov, Miroslav Tityanov, Andon Vassilev, Tonyo Tonev
20. Effects of post-emergence herbicides on weeds in wheat and the yield of the crop
Author: Arben Mehmeti, Adem Demaj
21. Integrated weed control in sunflower
Author: Tonyo Tonev, Miroslav Tityanov, Anyo Mitkov
22. Integrated weed control during maize vegetation
Author: Tonyo Tonev, Miroslav Tityanov, Anyo Mitkov
23. Chemical control of field brome (Bromus arvensis L.) in wheat fields
Author: Miroslav Tityanov, Tonyo Tonev, Anyo Mitkov
24. Fenological development of early potatoes under polypropylene fleece
Author: Kalinka Kouzmova, Tencho Cholakov, Hriska Boteva, Kostadin Kostadinov
25. Testing of ISSR markers in Rumex acetosella complex in Bulgaria
Author: Tsvetanka Raycheva, Iliya Denev
26. Influence of the rhizobacterium Bacillus subtilis on the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria
Author: Melika Mohamedova, Harry Samaliev