Author: Dimitar Ziapkov, Angel Trifonov
Author: Никола Цайкин
19. Effect of sowing rate on quantity and quality of yield of shallot cultivar ‘Matador F1’ grown in the climatic conditions of Western Pomerania
Author: Dorota Jadczak, Donhnika Kosecka, Monika Grzeszczuk
20. Прибиране на житни култури с пряко комбайниране и стационарно овършаване
Author: Володимир Булгаков, Сава Мандраджиев, Димитър Иринчев
21. Studying on the influence of Black Sea sapropelles on the quality and content of humus at cinnamonic pseudopodzolic soil (Planosol)
Author: Nikolai Nikolov, Nedyalka Artinova
22. The evaluation of adaptive capability for some cereals cultivated in their natural environment
Author: Natiga Nabiyeva
23. Effects of the fungicide Pictor on photosynthesis of sunflower plants exposed to drought and high temperature conditions
Author: Georgi Vasilev, Andon Vasilev
24. Influence the methods of tillage on some physical properties of water-soil
Author: Monko Nankov
25. Characterization of hybrid Kn-Sugary 1
Author: Luba Glogova
26. Functional activity of bean photosynthetic apparatus under drought
Author: Georgi Popov, Zlatko Zlatev
1. Bacterial spot and bacterial speck of tomato in the Almaty district of Kazakhstan
Author: Gulnaz Nizamdinova, Abay Sagitov