Author: Mariana Nakova
Author: Никола Цайкин
23. Graphiola leaf spots (False Smut) (Graphiola phoenicis) – a new disease of palms in Bulgaria (Brief communication)
Author: Mariana Nakova
24. Possibilities for sustainable tourism development in rural areas
Author: Krasimir Aleksandrov
25. Legislation as a precondition for the development of contemporary Bulgarian agricultural cooperatives
Author: Boryana Ivanova
26. Analysis of the potential for sustainable development of conventional and organic dairy farms
Author: Nikola Kayryakov
27. Determinants of sustainability of dairy farming in Bulgaria
Author: Dimo Atanasov
28. Mathematical phenologycal assesment of red wine vine varieties
Author: Todorka Mokreva
29. Differences in taxation of farmers in Bulgaria
Author: Dimitar Iankov
30. Legal regulations in support of the agricultural producers in Bulgaria
Author: Elena Georgieva
31. Impact of regulated water deficit on sunflower yield components. I. Canceling of irrigation at growth stages
Author: Alexander Матеv, Radost Petrova