Author: Elena Zlatanova-Pazheva
sustainable development
2. Specific functions of moveable objects on agricultural territories in the context of sustainable development and national security
Author: Gena Velkovska
4. The role of cooperatives in dealing with socio-economic challenges and crises
Author: Tsvetelina Marinova
13. Oppurtunities for development of family farming in South Central Region
Author: Krum Hristov, Rositsa Beluhova-Uzunova
14. Prospects and challenges for the development of renewable energy
Author: Svetoslav Lavchiev
5. Opportunities for development of family business in rural areas – aspects, problems, trends
Author: Valeri Velkowski
6. Opportunities for sustainable development of the tourist superstructure in rural territories
Author: Pavlin Pavlov
3. Sustainable development of family agricultural holdings through implementation of integrated plant protection
Author: Gergana Slavova, Daniel Stoilov
14. Opportunities for fiscal stimulation of the family business in tourism in crisis
Author: Nikolay Katrandzhiev, Snezhinka Konstantinova
5. Organic farming in Bulgaria – perspectives and challenges
Author: Zornica Karanakova, Rositsa Beluhova-Uzunova