11. Influence of the foliar fertilizer Amalgerol Premium on the productivity of durum wheat

Author: Tanko Kolev

DOI: n/a


A field experiment was carried out during the period 2009-2012 in the Study, Experimental and Implementation Base of the Department of Plant Growing at the Agricultural University – Plovdiv by applying the block method, with four replications and size of the land plot – 10 m2.
The liquid fertilizer for foliar application Amalgerol Premium (seaweed extract, mineral oils, plant extracts and essential oils, macro and trace elements) was tested at a rate of 3,000 ml/ha. The durum wheat variety had been previously treated in the following phenophases: tillering (autumn); tillering (spring) and spindling.
As a result of the study it was found that:
The values of the yield structural elements and productivity of the tested durum wheat when treated with the foliar fertilizer Amalgerol Premium exceeded those of the untreated control.
The treatment of the durum wheat variety Predel in the tillering phase (spring) with the leaf fertilizer Amalgerol Premium at a rate of 3,000 ml/ha led to obtaining 340 kg/ha (10.0%) more grain than from the untreated control in average for the period of study. A significant increase in the values of the yield structural elements was observed in this option.
The treatment with Amalgerol Premium in the phases tillering (autumn) and spindling affected to a lesser extent the increase of the yield of grain durum wheat – by 210 kg/ha (6.2%) and 270 kg/ha (7.8%) respectively as compared with the control.