3. Marketing of the Strandzha Nature Park as an ecotourism destination

Author: Stoyan Marinov

DOI: n/a


This report aims to present the content aspects of marketing of the Strandzha Nature Park as an ecotourism destination. It formulates a vision for the development of ecological tourism in the Strandzha Nature Park. The report distinguishes the possible target segments of the Park, based on four synthetic features of market segmentation: motivation, family life cycle stage, length of stay in the park and the preferred means of accommodation. It presents the content of the four basic elements of the strategic marketing mix of the Strandzha Nature Park – product range, pricing policy, distribution and communication. The proposed segment-oriented product range of the Park includes three major product lines and nine specific tourism products. Differentiated prices of the specific packages of the segment profiled tourism products (tourism routes) in the destination are recommended to be set and offered. The creation of an extensive national and international network of distribution channels is being worked out for the effective implementation of the market product range in the Strandzha Nature Park. The report formulates the substantive elements of the communications mix of the Strandzha Nature Park with the aim of promoting the protected area as an attractive tourism destination for both the domestic and international tourism markets.