44. Soil characteristics of the experimental field belonging to the Fruit-Growing Department (Agricultural University – Plovdiv), located in the area of the village of Brestnik

Author: Rada Popova, Galya Dobrevska, Hristo Dzhugalov, Pantaley Kaymakanov, Hristo Paralinov

DOI: 10.22620/sciworks.2015.05.044


The following most important conclusions can be drawn as a result of the conducted soil studies on the experimental field belonging to the Fruit-growing Department: 1. The soils in the studied area can be classified as Chromic cambisols; 2. They are characterised by light sandy clay tо medium sandy clay mechanical composition, not high humus contents – up to 2.23%, low to average acidic reaction (pH = 5.8-6.6) in the upper horizons and slightly alkaline (pH = 7.8) in the lower horizons; 3. The quantities of the total (10.39%) and active carbonates (3.64%) in the deeper soil horizons cannot influence adversely the development of the perennial crops; 4. The supply of nitrogen and phosphorus is low, while the supply of potassium is average.