7. Influence of soil herbicides on technological indicators of oriental tobacco

Author: Shteliyana Kalinova, Mariyan Yanev

DOI: n/a


The influence of soil herbicides on some technological indicators of Oriental tobacco was studied in the experimental field of the Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute (TTPI) in Plovdiv during the period 2013-2014. The object of study was the oriental variety Plovdiv 7, grown on humus carbonate soil.
Seven herbicides were tested: benefin, metazachlor, oxyfluorfen, s-metolachlor, flumioxazin, imazamox, dimethenamid + pendimethalin. The variations of nicotine, sugars, total nitrogen and ash in the first and second class tobacco of all variants were traced. The studied herbicides exerted different influence on the technological indicators of the tobacco, yet within the normal reference range for the Plovdiv 7 variety.
Imazamox was an exception, increasing the percentage of nicotine slightly above the reference. All technological indicators of the herbicide-sprayed plants were within the standard for the variety.