Author: Kamen Petrov
Author: Никола Цайкин
48. Employing people with disabilities – the effects of the quota levy system in the agricultural sector of Hungary
Author: Katalin Аióssi
49. Сравнителна икономическа оценка на нови сортове домати
Author: Костадин Костадинов, Петър Борисов, Красимир Михов, Стоян Филипов
50. The impact of education in the competitiveness of the agricultural industry
Author: Evangelos Vergos, Konstantinos Rotsios, Stavroula Antonopoulou, Despina Theodoridou, Katerina Roumelioti
51. The Thessalonica Agricultural and Industrial Institute
Author: Panos Kanellis, Evangelos Vergos
52. Harmonization of methods for information collection about biomass for energy in European Union
Author: Anna Aladjadjiyan, Nikolay Kakanakov, Aleksandar Zahariev
53. The role of agrarian universities in consulting farm producers and promotion of agroinnovations
Author: Marina Muravyeva
54. New approaches in university training in chemistry
Author: Dragomir Dobrudzhaliev, Miluvka Stancheva, Georgi Hubov
55. Ethnobotany and modern agrarian education in Bulgaria
Author: Desislava Dimitrova, Tsvetanka Raycheva
56. Authentic-complex learning at Stoas University of applied sciences and green teacher education
Author: Johan Bijzen