Author: Viliana Vasileva, Todor Kertikov, Anna Ilieva, Abumhadi Nabil
Author: Никола Цайкин
8. Inheritance of quantitative signs and some biometric indexes and mutability of the genetic indexes of Knezha 442 maize hybrid. I. Length of the ear, number of rows, number of grains per row
Author: Natalya Petrovska, Valentina Valkova
9. Results of cucumber and zucchini organic growing system under late field production conditions
Author: Tsvetanka Dintcheva, Nikolay Velkov
10. Inheritance of quantitative signs and some biometric indexes and mutability of the genetic indexes of Knezha 442 maize hybrid. II. overall height of the plants, height of the ear location, number of leaves and ear leaf area
Author: Valentina Valkova, Natalya Petrovska
11. Comparative study on the growth performance of different chicken genotypes in a free-range management system
Author: Veselina Boncheva
12. Development of Phragmidium Mucronatum in conventional, integrated and organic farming systems of oil-bearing rose (Rosa Damascena Mill.)
Author: Neshka Piperkova, Todorka Shirilinkova
13. Disease infestation on bulgarian and introduced walnut varieties in organic plantations
Author: Zvezdomir Zhelev, Martin Marinov, Enes Hasanov
10. Effects of green pruning on yield and quality of a variety Mavroud
Author: Nikola Mashev, Angel Ivanov
14. Testing the susceptibility of barley varieties to economically important diseases
Author: Zvezdomir Zhelev, Spas Peev, Nevin Emin
1. Conceptual issues in defining Special Interest tourism
Author: Marin Нeshkov