Author: Dimka Haytova, Todor Babrikov
Author: Никола Цайкин
12. Root formation of Actinidia (A. chinensis) hardwood cuttings, influenced by different concentrations of NAA
Author: Dimitar Zhelev
13. Prophilaxls of birds’ coccidiosis with adding of hot red pepper, oregano and cinnamon
Author: Hristo Hristev, Alexandar Nickolov
14. Investigation of protective role of low dencity lipoprotein fraction (LDL) over the cryotolerance of ram speriviatozoa
Author: Ivan Nikolov, Milko Sabev, Maria Ivanova-Kicheva, Pavel Rashev, Vasko Gerzilov, Hristo Hristev
15. Behavior of phosphatidylserine from ram spermatozoa plasma membrane during in vitro induced apoptosis, capacitation and cryopreservation
Author: Maria Ivanova-Kicheva, Alexander Dimitrov, Ivan Nikolov, Milko Sabev, Vasko Gerzilov
16. The influence of ammonia on the total resistence of the birds
Author: Hristo Hristev
17. Institutional flexibility about rent and lease of agricaltural land
Author: Minko Georgiev
18. Legal framework of the urban restitution process
Author: Stefan Videv
19. Post-restitution stratification: major factors and social consequences
Author: Stefan Videv
20. The idea of freedom in Byron’s Childe Harold
Author: Valentin Videnov