9. Evaluation of а project for building a house for rural tourism

Author: Elka Genova, Ivan Penov

DOI: 10.22620/sciworks.2020.02.009


The development of the tourism in Bulgaria and in particular of rural tourism is a way for achieving one of the CAP objectives- increased index of human development in rural areas. Through the development of tourists’ sector, it is possible to ensure an acceptable standard of living for people, to preserve the cultural heritage and at the same time to help protect the environment. There are tendencies for changes in consumer preferences from the mass forms to alternative forms of tourism. This in turn changes the entrepreneurial business in response to increased consumer interests.
In the present article an assessment of a project for reconstruction of a house („Karakusheva house“ in the village of Svezhen) for rural tourism is made. Four scenarios are analyzed in which the site can operate after its construction. Recommendations for policies for the development of alternative activities in rural areas have been made.